Anovia Andrews

Business Development Representative

I'm Anovia, Business Development Representative at FiComm Partners. In my journey through Sales and Marketing, I've honed my passion for cultivating new business and delivering essential solutions to our clients. At FiComm, I thrive in our dynamic and innovative atmosphere, embodying our core value of optimism, "Our Glass is Always Half-Full." I firmly believe in fostering a positive mindset, as it consistently opens doors to new opportunities.
Outside the office, you'll find me exploring Downtown Houston with loved ones, cherishing moments and relaxation.

Off The Record

My dream Job as a kid was to be a well-known fashion designer. Maybe in another lifetime!
My Favorite quote is John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
My favorite meal would have to be pepperoni pizza. And you can't forget the ranch to dip it in!
My "At Bat" hype song is "Run the World (girls)" by Beyonce.
My happy place is being outdoors in nature.