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Ficomm Collabs


Big creative solutions to big business problems

When your business has a big problem and needs both insightful thinking to develop the solution and flawless execution to bring it to life, you need a Collab.

In a Collab engagement, Ficomm’s Consulting & Innovation team works with you across an agile 90-180 day sprint to identify the root of the problem and develop the most impactful solution. From there, we’ll take the solution and execute it.

Whether that means an entire new advisor training library like we built for Blackrock’s 30,000 advisors, a big digital content concept, or an entirely new sales enablement collateral experience, the goal isn’t just to dream up a solution. It’s to make it a reality.

What’s unique about a Collab?

Working with Ficomm on a Collab gives you focused attention to strategy around one pressing problem that has one big, project-based solution. Because of that, it’s well suited for wealth management platforms, asset managers, custodians, broker-dealers, start-up wealthtechs, established wealthtechs…really any company that’s serving the independent advice space.

And because Collabs are ideal for so many different types of companies, there are different types of partnerships on the table beyond a monthly retainer or project-based fee.

At the end of your Collab, you won’t just have the perfect strategy. You’ll have a fully executed solution to a problem that’s been hindering your growth.

Ficomm’s Consulting & Innovation Team


Candice Carlton

Executive Vice President


Jordon Bravo

VP Ficomm Labs


Carolyn Dalle-Molle

VP Advisor Accelerator

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Let’s talk about a Collab!

Complete the Growth Readiness Assessment now.