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Welcome to 90’s Mr. Banks!

Inbound Marketing and Why Advisors Must Pay Attention

Last week, the FiComm marketing team traveled to Boston to attend Inbound 2017. This remarkable event brings over 20,000 marketers together from around the globe to inform, inspire, and lead marketing transformation across geographies and sectors. What is most intriguing about Inbound is that for an event targeted at sophisticated digital/social/mobile marketing strategies, the mission is to “celebrate the human, helpful side of business”.I was not able to join our marketing team at Inbound because I had the privilege of speaking at other notable industry events including Insider’s Forum, DISRUPTadvice, and ECHELON Partners Deals and Deal Makers Summit. But there is an important connection here. At each of those events, I felt like I was shouting at the top of my lungs about the need for our industry to evolve our marketing practices in new and exciting ways, with the same passion as the speakers at Inbound. The difference? I bet the speakers at Inbound didn’t hear these responses; “My clients are not on social media,” or “My clients do not want to get emails from me,” or “Snackable content diminishes my expertise,” or “My prospects are the ultra-affluent and cannot be communicated with that way.” To which I respond, you’re missing the point.

I invite you to read the following posts that the FiComm team live blogged from Inbound. For those of you that join me in believing that now is the time for change, these posts are jam-packed with actionable marketing guidance on how to innovate and evolve. For those of you still on the fence about the need to evolve your marketing practices, I know you’ll learn a thing or two of significance about why you need to pay closer attention.

Don’t be like George Banks in the blue fake Armani tuxedo. It’s 2017, and our marketing needs to catch up.

Megan Carpenter

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