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How to Launch Your Own Advisor Podcast

In today’s digital age, podcasts are the ultimate platform for building authority and showcasing your expertise. Podcasting allows advisors to have a more personalized way of amplifying their personal stories, insights and tips, which will in turn expand their reach and grow a much wider audience. This is a great way to solidify leads who are excited to work with you because they feel like they already know you. 

In 2022, 62% of the adult population listened to a podcast – up from 44% in 2018 and still growing. Podcasts also generate four times better brand recall than other forms of digital advertising; there has never been a better time for financial advisors to add podcasting to their digital marketing approach. 

We often hear from advisors who would like to start a podcast, but find the idea overwhelming and don’t know where to begin.  

In this piece, we’ll give you steps to take to launch your podcast, along with an actional plan to launch your first 12 episodes. 

My partner on this topic is Matt Halloran, the Co-Founder of ProudMouth. Matt is a digital communications expert who has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, wrote “The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors,” and has hosted or appeared on more than 1,000 podcasts. He’s also the host of ProudMouth’s podcast, Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he shares marketing strategies tailored for advisors and industry leaders. 

A common misconception is that podcasting requires a significant investment. The good news is launching a successful podcast is not about big budgets, high-tech equipment, or extensive broadcasting experience. 

Instead, successful podcasts are based on asking yourself these three questions: 

  • What’s your WHY?— If you stay centered in your “why” and the change that you want to create, you will be able to answer almost every question you have about your podcast from guest selection to format, by simply asking... “Does this create the change I want?”  
  • WHO is it for?—Hint: it’s not “everyone.” Messaging is clearer and more authentic when you focus on your ideal client—someone you already know and you’d like more clients like them. Identify their “before state” (what they are thinking, feeling, frustrated about) and think about how you want them to feel after they listen to your podcast. 
  • What does success look like?—It’s not about becoming viral. The goal is to fulfill your why, facilitate lasting change and have an impact on your audience. Success will look different for everyone.  

The First 12 Episodes 

Matt and his team at Proudmouth have developed a framework to help advisors plan their first 12 episodes of content. He has divided it into groups of three to make it easy to follow and develop content. 

  • 3 Episodes—The first three episodes serve as an introduction to you and your expertise. In these episodes you tell the stories of you as an advisor—your origin story, what has happened since you became an advisor, what is your area of expertise, and more. 
  • 3 Episodes—The next three episodes focus on thought leadership. To generate topics for each episode write down a list of the things you are consistently talking about with clients in meetings. Answer some of the frequently asked questions. 
  • 3 Episodes—The next three episodes will describe what life is like when people work with you. This is about feelings (security, joy, freedom, relief, etc.), not numbers. A great question to ask yourself is, what do you make possible for people? 
  • 3 Episodes—The final three episodes of this framework bring Centers of Influence (COIs) on the podcast as guest interviews. The COIs are people in your network who you respect such as CPAs, estate planning attorneys, real estate agents, or life coaches (note: RIAs can interview clients per the SEC’s new rule as long as they include a disclaimer.) These interviews serve as an endorsement of you and your endorsement of them. 

 Getting to Episode 1 

Now let’s go beyond planning content and review other considerations to work through as you launch your podcast. It’s important to develop consistency throughout the podcast from episode to episode. Here’s a brief checklist. 

  • Show Concept and Strategy—A clear picture of what your show is about (the “why” from the beginning of this article). 
  • Show Format—How every episode of your podcast will be set up. For example, decide if you will be solocasting or using interviews and the length of your podcast (research says the best performing podcasts are 27 minutes.) 
  • Artwork/Description/Music—Deliver a consistent vibe with the way you build your podcast brand. 
  • Operations—Find the right gear, hosting site, editing support, recording equipment to produce your podcast. Matt’s team at ProudMouth can help you here. 
  • Marketing—Decide how you will promote your podcast with marketing tools like a trailer and other collateral.  
  • Episode Prep—Make sure you are prepared and have done the necessary background research and scripting for each episode. 

 Don’t let perfection discourage you from launching your dream podcast. Start small, be consistent, get better. 

 Excited and ready to launch your own podcast in 30 days? Sign up for our Podcast Workshop!   

Already creating an amazing podcast, but want to drive measurable business results? Sign up for AmpliFi Podcast   


Candice Carlton with special guest, Matt Halloran, Co-Founder of ProudMouth

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