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Want to Become Invincible?

Mark Your Calendar for May 9-10

INVINCIBLE: The Most Direct Path to $1 Billion
May 9, San Francisco, CA, The Bridges Golf Club
May 10, Portland, OR, Hyatt House

There’s a war coming. It’s a battle between firms that cross the $1 billion AUM threshold—with all the resources, efficiencies and presence that size can bring—and the firms that don’t.

If you’re trying to join the billion-plus club, you might be getting frustrated at the pace of your growth. If you want to stay smaller and more intimate, you might be worried about losing control of your future. Either way, this is the event for you.

INVINCIBLE is designed to help you run your firm from a position of power—whether you choose to scale up or not. FiComm is combining forces with FourPointe Consulting (human resources) and LiveOak Bank (financing) for a full-day workshop that’s way more than a training session. It’s designed to be a catalyst for your growth, a moment that sparks real change, lifts you out of your plateau, and helps you shape the future on your terms.

Sign up right now if there’s any way you can make it to San Francisco on May 9, or to Portland, OR on May 10. It’s a fantastic investment of your time.

Watch This Space for a Sneak Preview.

Whether you’ll be there or not, I want to share with you a little more about what I’ll be presenting at INVINCIBLE. I’ll be hosting marketing workshops on two of the topics that seem to get the biggest buzz on this blog:

  • Building your brand, and
  • Creating a marketing plan that works

I’m going to walk attendees through a streamlined, three-step branding and planning process. I’ll share some the highlights here on the blog next week. Stay tuned.

And please sign up right now if you can make it. This is an interactive, hands-on workshop, and space is limited.

Search Stake Your Fiduciary Claim
Your First Sneak Peek: A 3-Step Formula for Branding and Planning Search