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AdvisorWebsites Webinar- How to Create Your Digital Marketing Playbook

Digital marketing strategies for advisors are not cookie-cutter. What works for one advisor does not work for all advisors, so welcoming different perspectives about how to approach your marketing is the best way to understand what will work for you. Advisors know that digital marketing is at the forefront of creating new connections in 2021, and without the knowledge and insight of where to begin, it can be hard to pass go. In AdvisorWebsites February 10th Webinar hosted by President Alex Wingert, financial marketing leaders shared their expert advice on using your website and digital marketing efforts to enhance your company’s online presence. Alex is joined by FiComm Partners CEO Meg Carpenter, along with Redzone Marketing President Maribeth Kuzmeski and C-Suite Social Media CEO Tina Powell. Here are a few key questions advisors ask when creating their own digital playbook—if you find yourself wondering the same things, you’ve come to the right place.

Where should advisors start?

From its offerings to its mission, every business is unique. The first step is to tap into this uniqueness and understand why you do what you do, who you do it for, and what your business goals are. Meg suggests that goals for your business should directly inform your marketing efforts and in turn, must be in full alignment. When planning your 2021 marketing efforts, always start with business goals and objectives. Every aspect of your digital marketing should be defined by those goals, what you want to achieve, and how you want to make people feel.

Should advisors change the way they talk about their practices?

Long story short, yes and no! Advisors should definitely evolve from using overly professional, buttoned-up language, to real language that people can connect to. When talking about your practice it is important to have a clearly defined brand that embodies what you represent, but in a way that feels authentic to you. Rather than attempting to stand out by your offerings, focus on showing up so clients can have a way to connect with you. By implementing various communication mediums and having confidence in being more human with your audience, your brand story will be cohesive and real.

How should advisors think about how marketing drives ROI?

There are certain marketing efforts that will be clearly linked to ROI and others that are harder to trace. When you’ve fine-tuned your marketing efforts, you will know that you are connecting with the right people by the increase in engagement and conversions. Remember that quality trumps quantity. Rather than marketing to 1,000 of the wrong people, focus your efforts on marketing to 10 of the right people that are more likely to engage with your business.

What about websites?

Now more than ever, your website is your company’s digital home base. It is the first stop for referrals and is a touchpoint in many prospect interactions. Tina says advisors should think of their websites as a supermarket—keep your information updated, fresh, and dynamic. Your website needs to create value and give customers a reason to keep wanting more.

Digital marketing continues to be a complex but powerful way to connect with your clients and prospects and it can be easy to be distracted by the newest channel and tactic. Getting clear on your goals and how your brand can communicate authentically is always a great place to start. Get all the tips and tricks from these experts from the full webinar replay here:

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